Personally, I am a Anti-Hero. My slacker attitude toward everything is a daily thing. I don't worry about anything that is truly important for me. I'm lazy when it comes to school with work, not stressing if I have it done yet. I live a simple life. I'm not daring. I live life and go with the flow. Occasionally doing well at things. But, no matter how bad I screw up, I end up doing well in the end, without doing a thing.

Everyone knows me as the girl that goes to concerts, which is fine with me. Concerts are my favorite thing to spend money on! The atmosphere of them excite me! Nothing beats seeing your favorite band play, and maybe even getting the chance to meet them.

My family and friends mean the world to me. I have a family that supports most of the things that I do. My friends keep me moving. I'm a people's person. I dread being alone. Hanging out with my friends is something that I do everyday. My brother and sister are two of the greatest people in the world. They always have some sort of joke to say, it leaves you laughing for hours. I love every single person in my life.