Every hero has a quest, mine is the quest for identity. In my life time I have gone through many stages; from tomboy, to goth, to prep, to emo, and finally to just being myself. Before realizing that its better to just be me, I played a role. I didn't act like the person that I truly was. I acted how people wanted me to act. I put on a show to be accepted. After years and years of being told what to wear, how to act, and what to say; I stopped listening to that stuff. I realized that the only person that I need to please is myself. Doing what others wanted wasn't cutting it. I'm Lauren, and I need to just be Lauren. To full fill my goal of staying me, I ignore all the negative comments that are thrown my way.

Being victorious will help not only me but others. I wouldn't be fake and tell a lie to make me look better, just so I can fit in. I will gain people's trust. I could be that one person that people look up to, just because I don't fit in.

Not only do I struggle with trying to show my true colors, I try to help change the world. People are judged by the outside, and even the inside more and more each day. Society frowns upon homosexuals, which is wrong. Segregation is still in tacked, even if it is against the law. People are still races towards other races. The world is still very much separated. I want to help change that. I want to help the world become a love filled world!

Being victorious will help not only me but others. I wouldn't be fake and tell a lie to make me look better, just so I can fit in. I will gain people's trust. I could be that one person that people look up to, just because I don't fit in.

Not only do I struggle with trying to show my true colors, I try to help change the world. People are judged by the outside, and even the inside more and more each day. Society frowns upon homosexuals, which is wrong. Segregation is still in tacked, even if it is against the law. People are still races towards other races. The world is still very much separated. I want to help change that. I want to help the world become a love filled world!

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